Auto Repair & Mechanics in Leander, TX

The auto repair pros at Lamb’s have been serving the Leander area for more than 30 years. We offer everything from basic services such as oil changes and battery replacement, to complex services such as transmission repair. No matter what type of service you need, your vehicle will be in the experienced hands of our ASE-Certified Master Technicians. We have the very latest repair and diagnostic equipment and offer you nationwide warranty coverage on our services, labor, and parts. The next time you need auto repair in Leander, TX, keep Lamb’s Tire & Automotive in mind as your dealership alternative.

Auto Services Include:

Avoid major car repairs with preventative maintenance.

It usually costs less to have preventative maintenance at regular intervals than it is to pay for major—and often unexpected—repairs later. The mechanics at our Leander, TX location can handle all of your preventative maintenance service needs, which may include these services and others:

  • Tire repairs, tire rotation, and tire balancing
  • Brake inspections and repairs
  • Oil and oil filter changes
  • Car AC inspections and repairs
  • Wheel alignment checks and adjustments if needed
  • Checks of fuel filters
  • Checks of your tires’ tread depth, wear patterns, and inflation pressure
  • Tightening of nuts and bolts
  • Checks of belts and hoses for cracking or wear
  • Inspection and replacement of cabin and engine air filters

You can check your vehicle’s owner’s manual for recommendations of the services and intervals that are right for your car or truck, or our technicians can advise you.

Your state inspection headquarters.

Most vehicles in the state must have an annual Texas State car inspection. Come to our Leander auto shop for emissions testing, if needed, and comprehensive safety inspections.

Free, no-obligation estimates.

To make it easy to get an idea of how much your car repair or service may cost, you can use our online form to request a quote. With some basic details about the service you need or issues you’re having with your vehicle, we can provide an initial estimate on repair costs. When you come in for your appointment, our technicians will do an inspection and will be able to give you a final estimate for your approval before any work begins.

Choose from these ways to save.

We offer special deals and coupons with discounts on all types of services, plus manufacturer rebates on new tires. We’re always adding new promotions, so be sure to check our coupons page before you come in for your appointment. 

Make an appointment at Lamb’s today.

Not able to call us for an appointment during business hours? No problem—simply use our online appointment scheduler to request the date and time that’s best for you, and we’ll be back in touch to confirm your appointment.

Badges & Honors
  • ASE Certified Technicians
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Complimentary Beverages
  • Free Battery Check
  • Free Brake Inspection
  • Free Air Pressure Check
  • Free Windshield Washer Fluid Top Off
Shop for Tires

Auto Repair & Mechanics in Leander, TX


3510 Lakeline Blvd
Leander, TX 78641

Sunday:  closed
Monday:  8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Tuesday:  8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday:  8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday:  8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Friday:  8:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday:  8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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